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New hymns and songs encouraging us to Share the Lord with others.


Awake, thou that sleepest--  and rise from the night!
The day is upon thee,  and Christ is the Light.
He calls thee to labor-- shall His people sleep?
Thy slothful heart chasten-- awaken to weep!
       O weep for the lost, for Jesus' sake--
       Thy slothful heart chasten-- Awake, O awake!

Awake, thou that sleepest--  stir up thy desire!
To Christ be committed,  though salted with fire.
He seeks to baptize thee with suff'ring-- be bold!
And from thy refining come shining as gold.
       Come shining as gold, for Jesus' sake--
       He longs to refine thee-- Awake, O awake!

Awake, thou that sleepest-- how hard is thy heart!
How cold and how carnal-- how selfish thou art!
Oh think how He loves thee-- the good He has done--
But time flies away with the fast-falling sun!
       Come! Quicken thy heart, for Jesus' sake--
       O, look to the harvest--  Awake, O awake!

Awake, thou that sleepest-- The foe is at hand,
In craft and in cunning to conquer the land.
Shall forces of evil sweep on?  Like a flood,
Come lift up a standard-- an off'ring to God.
       An off'ring to God?  For Jesus'sake--
       Come lift up a standard-- Awake, O awake!
Words and music copyrighted 2003 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.
Song No. 6 in my "New Harp No. 1"
    songbook (click on Products tab)

Subject: How will we grieve the selfish life of ease... the wasted opportunities... when we see so clearly the finality of God’s judgments!

See Ephesians 5:14

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file

To hear these lyrics set to an alternative tune (contemporary music) by Harm Jan Schenkel, a Composer in the Netherlands, click on his photo.


I call to the children of men, 
Whom shall I send?  Whom shall I send?   
Who will be willing to witness to men?
Whom shall I send?    "Send me!"
Who then is willing?  Whom shall I send?  
       "Here am I Lord-- send me!"

It's time for the harvest of men--
Whom shall I send?  Whom shall I send?
Storm clouds are dark'ning-- oh, bring their souls in--
Whom shall I send?    "Send me!"
Who then is willing?  Whom shall I send?  
       "Here am I Lord-- send me!"

So soon will the harvesting end--
Whom shall I send?  Whom shall I send?
Who will be willing, his labors to lend?
Whom shall I send?    "Send me!"
Who then is willing?  Whom shall I send?  
       "Here am I Lord-- send me!"
Words and music copyrighted 1984 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Who has the Faith... to invest in the rich rewards of the future... when God will liberally reward the ones who looked only to Him!

See Isaiah 6:8


Who will tell the millions of the gift God gave them?
Who will share the one Christ, who alone can save them?
See them in their blindness,  Ignorant of His kindness,
Who will go to free their souls from sin?
Who will tell the millions of the Christ who died for them?

Who will tell the millions of the joy of Jesus,
Of His lovingkindness, and His full forgiveness,
Of His pure desire, Calling them up higher,
Dying to unite their souls to Him?
Who will tell the millions of the Savior's love for them?

Who will tell the millions?  Who will bear the message?
Who will brave the danger to convey the blessing?
Will the hours be failing, gates of hell prevailing?
Who will go with God, to bring them in?
Who will tell the millions of the Lord who died for them?

Words and music copyrighted 1998 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: I am my brother’s keeper


Why linger here at ease, my friend,
When Jesus calls you follow Him?
      Why linger here, why linger here?
How dare you rest, in dark repose,
And leave the battle to His foes!
      Why linger here-- why linger here?

      And will you count the conflict's cost,
      As by an anxious moment tossed?
      A little longer-- all is lost!
           Why linger here-- why linger here?

Arise, O Christian, to the task--
Fresh courage for the conflict ask--
      Why linger here-- why linger here?
Frail falt'ring flesh may beg you stay,
But Jesus bids you come away!
      Why linger here-- why linger here?

      Have you not known His love so great?
      Then will you-- can you-- dare you-- wait?
      How can you halt-- how hesitate?
            Why linger here-- why linger here?

Words and music copyrighted 1994 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: How many souls have missed the best journey of all, because they hesitated to begin?