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New hymns and songs encouraging us to Experience the Rich Blessings of Repentance from our Personal and National Sins


I stood in the dark marketplaces, where children are bought and sold,
      A girl for a coin of silver, a lad for a wedge of gold;
I saw in the buyers' cruel faces depravity, lust, and greed, 
      And as I departed weeping I thought of the God they need.

          Come unto Me, you heavy-laden,  I'll give you rest,
          Come take My yoke upon you, come and be blest;
          My ways are holy, harmless, humble, come learn of Me,
          I'll give you joy full measure, come and be free.

I walk through the places of evil, where persons are sold to sin,
I see ev'ry soul deluded, the darkness of godless men;
I know all your hatred and murder, your nakedness, filth, and shame,
I hear ev'ry hellish cursing, the blasphemies of My Name.

I came as a baby made human, to poverty... shame... disgrace,
Accused as a common sinner, to ransom the human race;
I pointed all men to the Father, the glorious God above,
Then died on a cross of suff'ring, to win you to Heaven's love.

Words and music copyrighted 1998 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: how could words possibly express the grief and anger of our Savior over the exploitation of the helpless?

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file Finale Accordian


Nations come, nations go; read the books, and find it so, 
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall, heedless of their higher call.
Vision dims, to fade away, careless of the coming Day; 
Earth will pass, her kingdoms be scrapbooks of futility,
      Diaries of vanity.

In their might, nations rise, vaunt their virtues to the skies,
Call on God in war, and cease in the interims of peace;
Sowing commerce to the wind, social cancers grow within,
Writing for posterity tomes of triviality,
      Journals of futility.

Tho' we've sinned, God may bless if we turn to righteousness,
Flee the wrong, sin abhor, bless the needy, teach the poor;
Turn from pride and blasphemy, strengthen church and family,
Seek His grace, or soon confess modern man's mad mindlessness,
      History's vain senselessness

Only one Kingdom stands: 'Tis the mighty Son of Man's!
Turn to Him, learn that He lives to reign eternally.
Fear the wisdom of the Word, history's Teacher will be heard: 
Search the Scripture, and you'll see His great Kingdom's destiny,
      Christ enthroned eternally.
Words and music copyrighted 2005 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: It’s all about cause and effect...  if America continues in her path of reprobation, then she can assume the same results the previous “great nations” experienced.

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file


Subject: our continuing, unbelievable, American tragedy


A musical slide show.  Duration: 2:47


The day of judgment, judgment's coming!
The time of terror's drawing near;
The day of judgment, judgment's coming— 
Soon will Jesus Christ appear.
What a time of consternation (condemnation,)
For the one who hates his Lord— (holy Lord,)
The day of awful judgment, judgment's coming
With a blazing angel sword.

The day of judgment, judgment's coming!
And will the churches bear the rod?
The day of holy judgment's coming,
Starting at the house of God.
Churches full of pride and error, (awful error,)
Pulpits full of sin and shame, (hidden shame,)
Will tremble at the wrath of His appearing,
When He glorifies His Name.

The day of judgment, judgment's coming!
So many warnings God has sent;
A careless world awaits its Maker—
O America, repent! 
Turn away from sin and slaughter, (infant slaughter,)
Put away your sensual shame, (sin and shame,)
Your sister city Sodom pleads— O heed her—
From her fiery pit of flame.

Words and music copyrighted 1998 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: these are not easy words to write... but who can bear the coming judgments of the Lord?

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file