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LINKs to Some Recommended Web Sites...

   We encourage you to visit the Web Sites listed below.  Maybe you’ll want to save them in your Bookmark or Favorites folders, and mention them to your friends.

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Nature Friend Magazine

     "Nature Friend Magazine" is a F-U-N magazine for children!  It has been mailed out every single month since January of 1983, which means it celebrated its 25th Anniversary in December of 2007.  "Nature Friend" is for children of all ages, and is rich with information about God's amazing world and the fascinating creatures that run, crawl, swim, and fly here.      

   Do you enjoy puzzles? Stories? Projects?  Drawing?  There's an art lesson every month, and your children are invited to send in their own questions, photos, drawings, and poems. In fact, about once a year or so, they produce a “Readers’ Issue” consisting entirely of photographs, artwork, articles, puzzles, etc. submitted by the children and teenagers who read it, and you will be amazed at the quality of that issue.  Encourage young people to develope their God-given gifts, through the pages of “Nature Friend.”

   "Nature Friend" was started by the Stanley & Janice Brubaker family, who published it for its first 16 years. We're delighted that our good friends at Dogwood Ridge are now publishing it, and rejoice to see its editorial, photographical, and layout quality every month .

   You can donate “Nature Friend” as a very thoughtful GIFT to local children’s hospitals, waiting rooms, libraries, and Christian schools.   Or, to subscribe to “Nature Friend” for your own children or grandchildren (you’ll probably find yourself reading it too!) just click on the link at right. And if you think about it, tell them we sent you there.

To get MORE INFORMATION or SUBSCRIBE to “Nature Friend” just click on either link below.

Nature Friend Magazine

To Promote NFM, or to save $2.00 on your subscription, print out their beautiful Promotion Order Form .pdf file and pass it on!  (click on the fawn)

You can help promote “Nature Friend Magazine” by installing one of the banners at right on your web site, and linking it to:

NFM Banners!

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Nature’s Workshop Plus!

     When we first started "Nature Friend Magazine” back in 1983, every issue had a “Nature’s Workshop” page of nature-or-science-related products for the children or their parents to purchase. Some popular items were:

  • binoculars
  • nature coloring books
  • story books
  • science equipment
  • microscopes & supplies
  • rocks and minerals sets
  • nature field guides
  • bird feeders
  • telescopes & star maps
  • incubators
  • butterfly nets...
  • ...and other fun stuff !

     When the business became too much for our family and helpers to handle, we sold it to our good friends Donald and Diana Ruark, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and it didn’t take us long to see that the business was still in excellent hands.

     With all their home-schooling contacts and management skills, they soon had “Nature’s Workshop Plus!” (they added the “Plus!”) busily beginning to grow, and g-r-o-w and G-R-O-W.

     If you click on the link at right, it will take you to their website, where you’ll find a trusted source of all the above items and much, much more. They are an especially good source for many models of microscopes, labware,

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The 2007 catalog has 120 pages of products, nature-observing tips, and things to make home-school even more exciting that it already is!

Nature’s Workshop Plus!

The Cyber Hymnal™

     Has thousands of Christian hymns and Gospel songs from many denominations. Searchable, advanced Autoplay feature, free downloads.  New entries every week. User friendly. Biggest site of its kind on the Internet. Find the hymn, read the words, hear the tune playing, read bios of both the author and composer, and see illustrations of most of them.

free book: In Tune With God

     Here’s a large book you can download free!  It’s written by a man I have never met (he lives in Australia) but have a lot of respect for. He has a h-u-g-e Christian web-site with tons of information on it. If you want to know how much GOD enjoys music, and how to sing it / use it / play it / lead it in a way that truly honors Him, I think you’ll really enjoy this fascinating book. I printed it all out years ago and had it bound so I can read it again. Go to the site above and print it out or read it online.

The Center for Church Music

   The Center for Church Music is a fairly new and rapidly growing organization committed to encouraging the congregational singing of hymns, and to teaching the usefulness of quality music in the churches. Go to their site to access mp3 files and sheet music, and to learn the background of popular hymns. It also has some good articless on the value of hymns and biblical music.  At the heart of the Center for Church Music is the belief that powerful hymn singing can again be the mark of the church, a church vibrantly singing its faith.

If you want to link to us, here are some banners for your web-site
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If you want to dress up your web site, and
help promote worthwhile Christian music at
the same time, just copy and paste any of 
these four links into your site, and link it to
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