New hymns and songs about the Joys of the Saved. Yes, we are promised trials and hardships similar to those that non-Christians have to endure. But what Assurance and Blessing and Comfort are ours, as we live before God with a clean heart and walk in a faith relationship with an approving Father— because of Jesus!
Romans 6 teaches us that we have victory over sin by the blood of Jesus Christ; Romans 7 teaches that we are dead to the law of sin, because we were actually on the cross “in Christ Jesus” when he was crucified, and that we’re alive unto God because we were still in Him when He rose from the dead. Romans 8 teaches us that “the L.O.T.S. of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of S.A.D.” (abbreviated KJV ) and that no outward enemy can separate us from the Love of Christ.