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New hymns and songs about the Joys of the Saved.  Yes, we are promised trials and hardships similar to those that non-Christians have to endure. But what Assurance and Blessing and Comfort are ours, as we live before God with a clean heart and walk in a faith relationship with an approving Father— because of Jesus!

Romans 6 teaches us that we have victory over sin by the blood of Jesus Christ; Romans 7 teaches that we are dead to the law of sin, because we were actually on the cross “in Christ Jesus” when he was crucified, and that we’re alive unto God because we were still in Him when He rose from the dead. Romans 8 teaches us that “the L.O.T.S. of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of S.A.D.”  (abbreviated KJV ) and that no outward enemy can separate us from the Love of Christ.


There's a cleansing fountain, there's a crystal stream,
Flowing from the throne of God it goes;
There's a shining river, sparkling pure and clean--
See!  A Savior's mercy overflows!

        Hide me, Lord!   Hide me,  Lord!
        Lead me in thy way, O God.
        Keep me in the way that I should go;
        To the cleansing fountain, Lord, I come with crimson stain,
        Wash, and leave made whiter than the snow.

Theres a cleansing fountain, there's a crystal stream,
Heaven's hope for sinners sore distressed;
In that sparkling fountain, open for our sin,
See a Savior's healing righteousness!

Words and music copyrighted 1987 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Mercy overflowing!


Father, lay Your hands of blessing on Your children as we pray;
Kneeling in Your holy presence, dressed in bright array;
Saints and elders bow before You— cast their crowns away—
Father, lay Your hands of blessing on our heads today.

Dare we, in the solemn throneroom, seek a Sov'reign God so high?
Here the ever-burning Glory blinds th'astonished eye;
"Holy, holy, holy, holy!" trembling angels cry—
Dare we view th'eternal vision with a faith-filled eye?

"Come, My children, enter boldly to the throne of Heaven's grace;
Holy blood of Jesus wearing, humbly fill this place.
Hear a Father's "Welcome, welcome!"— see the beaming face—
"Come, My children— closer, closer!— to My throne of grace."

Father, lay Your hands of blessing on Your children as we pray,
Bowing in Your holy presence— beautiful our stay!
Gladly will we kneel before You— doubtings cast away—
Carry on our hearts the blessing joyously today.

Words and music copyrighted 2008 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject:   the Father’s loving Blessing on His trusting Child!

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file Finale Harmonica


How great the grace the Savior gives,
He lives the love His dying proved,
And farther far than east from west
Has He our sins from us removed.

He does not deal what sin deserves,
But to His children fearing Him,
High as the stars above the earth
So great His mercy is to them.

        Oh, how great is His love to me,
        Oh, how kind are His ways, Jesus has
        Washed my soul from a thousand sins,
        And I will sing His praise.

My Shepherd holds me as a lamb
Securely, safely, in His breast;
Oh, I will love the kind I AM
And, in His bosom, calmly rest.

Just as a father loves his son,
So He remembers we are dust;
What praise my days will raise to Him,
What joyful sanctity of trust!

Words and music copyrighted 1988 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Grace Higher and Wider!


I am just just a little child
Walking through this great big world of sin,
    Wretched sin;
Darkness closes all around me--
Where is light, that I may walk therein?
       Jesus Christ is Light eternal !
       I will trust my way to Him;
       He will light the path before me--
       Gladly will I trust and walk in Him,
            Walk in Him.

Like a sheep without a shepherd,
Like a lamb that wandered from the fold,
     Wandered far,
I have found the world around me
Cruel, dark, and dangerous and cold;
       Jesus Christ is my Good Shepherd !
       He will keep my from all harm;
       He will safely shelter me-- He
       Holds His little lamb within His arm,
            In His arm.

Though the world be dark around me,
Let my way be charted as I go,
     I will go;
In the Name of Christ I conquer,
By His grace I conquer ev'ry foe.
       Jesus Christ is my foundation--
       I will build my life on Him;
       He alone is my salvation--
       Gladly will I trust and worship Him--
            Worship Him.

Words and music copyrighted 1992 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Jesus is the Answer for my needs.


I can but marvel,  I can but marvel, 
When I see clearly my wretchedness and shame;
For my transgression my Lord was martyred--
Glory to His holy Name.

          Oceans of grace wash over me,
          Grace to be holy,  grace to be free;
          My love I give Him,   My life I give Him,
          My all I give Him,   Whole-heartedly.

I can but marvel,   I can but marvel,
When I see clearly my wickedness and pride;
Alone on Calv'ry,   Bleeding to save me,
Jesus forgave me, and died.

Words and music copyrighted 1995 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Grace  70 x 7... and even more


In the green meadow beneath the glad sun,
On the gray mountain where rivulets run,
Soaked in the thunderstorm, Chilled by the wind,
Taking delight in whatever You send,

       Absolute peace in the Savior's hand,
       Joyous delight in the Shepherd's plan,
       Over the heather, or on the wild sea,
       Fortune or weather mean nothing to me,
       Teach me your will, and content I will be.

Leaving my flock to go after a lamb,
Shepherd me, Shepherd-- wherever I am;
Run, Lord, beside me, or soothe me to rest
Like my lost lamb, on the Good Shepherd's breast,

       Silent, serene, in the Savior's will,
       Trusting implicitly, lead me, Lord, still,
       On the high crags of the rough granite height,
       In the low valley all hidden from sight,
       Shepherd me, Shepherd-- and all will be right.

Words and music copyrighted 2005 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: My Shepherd is My Joy


Oh what a wonderful day when I learned of my Lord!
Why did I hesitate?  Why did I wait to believe in his life-giving Word?
Led by the Father, I came to His own, to walk and to worship with them,
Found his commandments are sweet to the Spirit, and tasted salvation in Him.

Oh, what a wonderful day when I learned that my sins were forgiven and gone!
Oh!  What a day when to Jesus I turned, and promised to follow Him on;
Wonderful day of salvation it was, and life everlasting for me,
Life from the Father and mercy forever I found His salvation to be.

Now, though a pilgrim and weary sometimes in the way,
Tempted or tested, afraid or afflicted, discouraged or fighting dismay,
Still in the Bible His promises shine, as comforting light from Above,
Dark though the hour, I trust in His power, and rest in a refuge of love.

Wonderful day, when I first turned in faith to my Lord,
Wonderful day, as I day unto day, learn to walk in the light of his Word,
Wonderful day when the trumpet shall sound, and Jesus in glory descend,
Then with my Savior, I'll rapture forever, where wonderful days will not end.

Words and music copyrighted 1980 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: the Best Decision we can Ever Make!