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Heaven! For God Faithful Ones, it will definitely be Worth it All,  when we are resurrected with new and glorious bodies  into a perfect world, to have perfect pleasure in fellowship with our perfect Creator and Redeemer.


Over the hills of glory,
    After the setting sun,
Rise in His joy, my soul, away
    Up, to the Glorious One,

    High on the throne of His majesty
        Waits He, my Maker, for me,
    Calls me to come, all His glory to see,
        Over the shining sea.

Over ths hills of glory,
    Over the crimson sky,
Soar through the heavens, soar away,
    Up to the throne on high,

    There, on the throne of his holiness,
        Waits my Redeemer for me,
    Calls me to come, to commune and be blest,
        Over the crystal sea.

[a work in process--& I may add another verse]
Words and music copyrighted 2005 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Sweetly they sing o'er her bonnie grave,
Brightly they dance in the air,
But my sad heart in its sorrowing
Shuns birds and flowers fair,
Bright birds and flowers where the grasses wave.

Cold is the stone by her bonnie grave,
Cold are the winds there that blow,
My broken heart take to You, O God,
Till I my luve do know,
My bonnie luve for my sad heart save.

Sweetly they sing where the flowers wave,
Brightly they soar through the air,
O that my soul were a bird on wing--
Rising to meet her There--
My bonnie lass from her lonely grave.

Words and music copyrighted 2002 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Heaven

Subject: O sweet, sweet reunion with our Loved Ones who have gone before us !


When we see face to face our risen Lord
It will be grace of grace in full reward;
Eye unto eye with Christ on high,
There in that holy place where none can die!

       When, when we see Jesus,
       Face, face to face (to face)
       O, what a rich privilege,
       Love's features to trace!
       Deep there in the Godhead eyes
       Where purest compassion lies
       We'll see Him true, kind, and wise
             when face to face.

When we see face to face in Life's bright hour,
Awful in majesty, splendid in pow'r,
High on His throne, Jesus our own,
Then we shall know His love as we are known,

Sometimes in trials here we may forget,
Jesus abides with us and loves us yet;
He does not change--He is the same--
And through the endless years our Joy remains.

Words and music copyrighted 2003 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.
Song No. 32 in my "New Harp No. 1"
    songbook (click on Products tab)

Subject: When         we see Christ!

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. If you open it in another window (or print it out) you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Piano & Clarinet Play the mp3 file