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New hymns and songs about the Lord’s Faithfulness to Us, and our Trusting and Resting and Rejoicing in Him


After the tempest the water is calm,
After the storm the stars shine through;
After the darkness new day will dawn,
Morning will bring bright skies of blue.

After the struggle so deep and so sore,
After the trial and bitter travail,
Peace from the Father your faith will restore,
Proving a promise that never can fail.

Be not discouraged, downhearted, dismayed,
We are not lost on a perilous sea;
Jesus is whisp'ring, "O, be not afraid!"
Tenderly calling "O, come unto Me."

Jesus, Creator of water and wind,
Speak, and so softly the tempest will cease;
Soothe ev'ry struggle, serenity send,
Whisper, O Master, and all will be peace.

[optional last verse— first verse repeated]
[ sing the descant on the final verse only ]
After the tempest the water is calm,
After the storm the stars shine through;
After the darkness new day will dawn,
Morning will bring bright skies of blue.
Words and music copyrighted 2003 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.
Song No. 3 in "New Harp No. 1" Book;
Click on Products Tab to order.

Subject: Joy Comes in the Morning

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. If you open it in another window (or print it out) you can read the words as the music file plays.

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 4-part Finale Piano playout (Without Descant)

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

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 4-part Finale Piano playout (With Descant for 4th verse)

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

All 4 verses, Melody only, Violin, Flute, Tenor Sax)

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

DESCANT: Melody Elec.Guitar, Flute, Piccolo onDescant


To hear these lyrics set to an alternative tune (contemporary music) by Harm Jan Schenkel, a Composer in the Netherlands, click on his photo.


Men go to sea in ships and see great waters.
The stormy wind at God's command throws wild the waves:
They rise when they are troubled-- They sink into the sea;
Men's bravest hearts are melted and afraid!
In reelings to and fro,  They stagger as if drunken;
They cry unto their Maker-- The waves grow still.

So oft are we in wanderings distressed, at sea;
Black storms descend!  On ev'ry hand are wat'ry graves--
Fears rise-- and we are troubled-- Hope sinks into the sea.
Soon washed away is all our bravery. 
God makes the storm a calm-- The crashing waves grow quiet!
He guides into a haven,  And works His will.

Words and music copyrighted 2003 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.
Song No. 5 in my "New Harp No. 1"
    songbook (click on Products tab)

Subject: When all else fails-- He won’t !

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file


Christ is Captain of my soul !
On the surging ocean wild,
When the mocking billows roll,
I may trust Him as a child;
     In the dark and howling wind
     I may trust Him as a Friend
          Trust Him to the bitter end,
Christ is Captain of my soul,
Christ is Captain of my soul !

Christ is Captain of my soul !
When the sea is deathly calm,
Limply hang our sails in lull--
Not a tremor at the helm--
     Shall I languish for the wind?
     I may trust Him as a Friend,
          Trust Him to a better end,
Christ is Captain of my soul,
Christ is Captain of my soul !

Words and music copyrighted 1993 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Crushed by the sorrows of life I see,
Distraught as the pain of the world presses me,
I long to be fruitful, bring joy to my Lord,
But I cling to my hammer, my pen, and my sword,
I need a redeemer to rescue me--
Jesus, I have no hope but Thee,
Jesus, I have no hope but Thee.

Following butterflies, chasing the wind,
The old pleasant dreamings again and again,
The blushings of autumn, the flushings of spring,
And I'm looking to Jesus in everything,
I'm seeing his signature everywhere--
All that is pure and free and fair,
All that is pure and free and fair.

Climbing the mountainside, plodding the plain,
Still searching through vapors of sunshine and rain,
Still pegging my tent to a promise unseen,
That my Savior, my Maker, still touches all things
And He knows how to shepherd a person like me--
Jesus my faith abides in Thee,
Jesus my faith abides in Thee.
Words and music copyrighted 2005 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

I place my trust in Jesus, whatever yet may come,
     I look into His face, and all is well;
He loves a little weak one, and points me Home,
     Kindly holds my hand, my fears to quell.

     He holds all the times and the seasons in His hand,
          He measures all things to His will;
     He measures the mountains and seas with a span,
          And He loves His children still.

My soul shall rest in Jesus while time or life remains,
     In confidence my heart shall beat for Him;
In trials or afflictions I'll hear the strains
     Of a song where hope can never dim.

Tho' ev'ry kingdom tremble, and ev'ry trusting fail,
     The splendors of the earth lie in decay,
I rest my faith on Jesus Who will prevail
     When the heavens melt and pass away.
Words and music copyrighted 1995 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Thank You, Lord, for giving joys worth keeping,
Yes, thank You, Lord, for making tears for weeping,
Thank You, Lord, that in our deepest sorrows,
You provide a promise for tomorrow-- all our tomorrows.

Thank You, Lord, for trials and afflictions,
We will thank You, Lord, for Fatherly corrections,
Thank You, Lord, when all within is grieving
You provide a reason for believing, simply believing.

Thank You, Lord, when not one star is shining,
We can thank You, Lord, for all Your wise refining;
Thank You, Lord, in all Your good supplyings
You provide new Life in all our dyings, all of our dyings.

Words and music copyrighted 1998 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Christ is Absolutely Trustworthy

Subject: He knows what He’s doing with me

Subject: Our Faith Fixed in God

Subject: He Uses our Trials Carefully, and Always for our Good


Though the mountains wash away, 
    All the hills flow to the sea,
Darkness covers all the day--
    I will rest in Thee;
When the clouds are dark and swollen,
    Sun and moon and stars are gone,
All the lights of heaven fallen--
    God's own Truth I'll rest upon.

Though the storms of vengeance land,
    Terrors from the angry deep,
Fury fall from God or man--
    Love my soul will keep!
Though my body be destroyed,
    Dust or ashes swept abroad,
Still my heart will be o'erjoyed--
    In my flesh will I see God.

Evil, like  a rising tide,
    Threatens us with grief or fear,
But Yeshua's trusting bride
    Knows her Lord is near;
She shall never be confounded
    Though all earth seems giv'n to Hell,
With Messiah's love surrounded,
    Knows His heart for Israel.

See the privilege of the saints
    When God's mighty judgments rage:
Loving are the Lord's restraints
    For His heritage!
Satan, though a roaring lion,
    Cannot catch or conquer them,
God is jealous over Zion--
    Ever,  O Jerusalem.
Words and music copyrighted 2005 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Our Faith Fixed in God


To hear these lyrics set to an alternative tune (contemporary music) by Harm Jan Schenkel, a Composer in the Netherlands, click on his photo.