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Worthwhile Poems about God’s Amazing Love for His People.


I bought something strange at the auction today,
    Something I did not need,
And I paid a most horrible price for it,
    But I'm glad that I bought it indeed.

It was something I'd built with my own two hands
    When I was younger and fair;
But now I am old, and they thought it was strange
    That I paid such a price for a chair.

The chair had been beautiful-- perfectly made--
    As fine as a chair can be!
No words can do justice to what I had built,
    So gracious and glorious to see.

But now it seemed hopelessly broken, and ruined,
    And only two men knew its worth:
Myself, who had built it, and could build it again--
    And the enemy of my youth.

He refused to quit bidding, he hated me so,
    Though no cause for his hatred was there;
He had worked in my shop as a faithful employee
    Long ago when I built the chair.

But his impatient pride and his jealousy grew
    When customers gave me praise,
And I saw him destroy that masterpiece chair--
    So we went our separate ways.

Now I knew he could never repair that chair,
    So the chair is mine today;
He bid at the auction as much as he could--
    But I paid what he would not pay.

I bought something strange up on Calvary's hill--
    Something I did not need,
And I paid a most horrible price for it,
    But I'm glad that I bought it indeed.

It was something I'd built with my own two hands
    When the earth was new in grace;
Now the earth is older;  they thought it was strange
    What I paid for the human race.

It once had been beautiful-- perfectly made--
    As fine as a soul can be!
No words can do justice to what I had built,
    So gracious and glorious to see.

But now it seemed hopelessly broken, and ruined,
    And only we two knew its worth:
Myself, the Creator, Who could build it again--
    And the enemy of all truth.

He refused to quit bidding, he hated me so,
    Though his hatred was never just,
He had worked in my service a faithful employee
    When I created man from the dust.

But his impatient pride and his jealousy grew
    When cherabim sang My praise,
And I saw him destroy the human heart--
    So we went our separate ways.

Now I'm sure he would never repair that heart,
    So man can be mine today:
He bid there on Calvary as much as he could--
    But I paid what he would not pay.

I bought something strange near Jerusalem--
    Something I did not need,
And I paid a most horrible price for it,
    But I'm glad that I bought it indeed.

Copyright 1984 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.