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New hymns and songs reminding us to look up, and to look forward to the time when Christ will be firmly established as King of kings and Lord of lords! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


Conqueror of all!  Our Lord Jesus is!
All things at His feet must fall for all are his;
He of kings is King!  He of lords is Lord!
He a reign of truth will bring and He will be adored.

Conqueror of all!  Lay vain weapons down!
Heaven's coronation comes, her King to crown!
Ev'ry eye will see, ev'ry tongue confress,
He is King eternally and Lord of righteousness!

Conqueror of all!  Shortly will it be,
Trembling, dying in the thrall each principality;
Nations, rise no more!  Dark dominions, fall!
Christ, a single sceptor sway as Conqueror of All!

Words and music copyrighted 2003 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: Christ WIll      Reign as Our King!

ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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 Finale playout, four parts with clarinet, etc.

Click on note to play the .mp3 file


The day of judgment comes,
     God's vengeance hastens nigh;
His fury moves His mighty arm—
     His armies fill the sky.
Rejoice, you sons of Truth,
     who love God's holy laws:
Now with his wicked Babylon,
     the prince of darkness falls!

     Pride was a lie in all your boasting:

Subject: The certain judgment and disposal              of our enemy—  the god of this world.

ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Finale Harmonica playout

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

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 Finale Clarinet playout

Click on button to play the .mp3 file

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Finale Bright Piano playout

Click on button to play the .mp3 file


Hail!  All hail King Jesus,
Back from the victory field!
Sorrow and sin and suff'ring,
Darkness and death did yield!

       Yours is the well-won glory!
       Yours are the wreathes we bring!
       Hail!   All hail King Jesus--
       Yours is the fame we sing.

Hail!  All hail King Jesus--
Glory to You alone!
See the Parade of Triumph
Singing before the Throne,

Subject: The Triumphant King!


There's a new day in the dawning, when Jesus comes for me,
Not in weakness, or in sorrow, as He was at Calvary,
For the trumpet shall declare Him, and ev'ry eye shall see
When the Savior comes in Glory— when He comes for me!

When the heav'nly lamps are broken— sun, moon, and stars are gone—
Then the heav'nly powers, shaken, will awake the glorious dawn,
For the trumpet shall declare Him, and ev'ry eye shall see
Like the lightning in the heavens when He comes or me!

There's a new day in the dawning, the holy Scriptures warn,
When all men will see His coming, and the tribes of earth shall mourn,
For the trumpet shall declare Him, and ev'ry eye shall see
Christ our Savior— Heaven's warrior— when He comes for me!

See the dazzling Host of angels in shining glory 'round, 
When He calls His saints together with a wild and welcome sound,
For the trumpet shall declare Him, and ev'ry eye shall see
When the Savior comes in Glory, when He comes for me!

Words and music copyrighted 1996 by 
Stanley K. Brubaker; all rights reserved.

Subject: rapture is the word... what rapturous joy will be in the hearts of the faithful who are raptured up with their holy Lord!

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ROUND NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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SHAPE NOTES. Click to see the .pdf SCORE file for this song. You might want to open it in another tab (or print it out) so you can read the words as the music file plays.

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file Finale Trombone

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Click on note to play the .mp3 file; all four verses TenorSax


To hear these lyrics set to an alternative tune (contemporary music) by Harm Jan Schenkel, a Composer in the Netherlands, click on his photo.

Copyright Notice: All songs, hymns, poems, illustrations, and other components of this web-site are Copyrighted 2009 or earlier, either by Stanley K. Brubaker or by Brooksong, LLC. See our Contact Page for ways to reach us for usage.