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Delightful Poems about God’s Wonderful Creation and Life for children to read or listen to!


I know where the frisky squirrels played
In the balmy days of Spring;
I saw them flick their bushy tails
And heard the chatterers sing;
    As nimble as the wind, they ran,
    The treetops were their path;
    But now the trees are bare, and sway
    In Winter's freezing blast.
The branches creak.  The strong winds howl,
I wonder,  Where are the squirrels now?

I know where the Red-winged Blackbirds were
In the sunny days of May;
They sat on the cattails by the pond
And sang their Oke-a-lay;
    And the speckled eggs in their grassy nest--
    I saw them hatch!  Their babies grew,
    They too in the summer sunshine sat,
    Then from the nest they flew.
I saw one once on a leafy bough--
But where are the Red-winged Blackbirds now?

I know where the old gray woodchuck sat
In the sunshine of July;
I watched him from my secret place
Up in the hickory high,
    On yonder hill where the brush is short
    And wild raspberries grow;
    But now the site is white and bare
    Beneath a foot of snow.
I hope he's still alive somehow--
But where is the old gray woodchuck now?

Copyright 1983 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

But Where Are They Now? RealMedia (1.6MB)

But Where Are They Now? .mp3 file (2.4MB)


High, high, in the bright blue sky
Fleecy clouds go floating by,
Purest white in the deepest blue.
I've often wondered--haven't you--
What far land are they drifting to?
Where have they come from, sailing high,
And why do they change so often, why--
Fleecy, wispy, whirling, twirling,
Sifting, shifting in the blue?
I've often wondered.  Haven't you?

Copyright 1984 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

Suppose, in searching 'round some pond,
    You see a clump, like balls of jelly;
Don't be afraid to pick them up--
    They're rather slimey, but not smelly!
Pause; and hold them in your hand.
   Watch them longer if you please,
Or take some home within a jar--
    Small miracles of life are these.

The dot within each jelly ball
    Won't stay a tiny spot much longer;
It soon becomes a polliwog
    And changes daily, growing stronger.
See!  It swims within your pool,
    Free-- its jelly, egg-life done--
It grows some little frogly legs
   And trades the water for the sun.

Gone is its tiny tadpole tail,
    Its eye is now a shining jewel!
It chugs a cheerful chunk-a-rumm
    Beside its native woodland pool.
Strange!  The changes were so slow:
    Egg... then swimming polliwog...
And now-- my ears declare it so--
    It proudly croaks, "I am a frog."

Copyright 1983 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

The fingernail clippers go clippity clip,
      Clippity, clippity, clip;
They clip off my fingernail's tippity tip,
      Clippity, tippity, clippity clip.

The fingernail clippers go snippity snip,
      Snippity, clippity, snip;
They snip off my fingernail's tippity tip,
      Snippity, tippity, snippity snip.

Do you like to hear the c-lippity clip?
Do you like to feel the s-nippity snip,
And watch as your fingernail's tippity tip
Goes CLIP-- and f-lippity, lippity, flip?

Copyright 1993 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

The hand that scooped the oceans out,
     That made the mountains high,
That fashioned all beneath the sun
     And spread the airy sky,
Whose fingers flung the distant stars,
     And traced the canyons deep --
That is the hand that gently guards
     The child who is asleep.

Copyright 2003 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved. Poem on p. 42 in 
my "New Harp No. 1" songbook 
(to order, go to Products section)

God's little music box I am --
     He winds me up with joy,
And all the hours throughout the day
     His praises I employ.

High on his throne He sits above
     And listens to my song,
For I'm His little music box --
     I sing the whole day long.

I think God likes to wind me up,
     To hear me sing...   and when
His little music box unwinds,
     He winds me up again!

Copyright 2003 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved. Poem on p. 45 in 
my "New Harp No. 1" songbook 
(to order, go to Products section)

Burns and blisters...  bumps and breaks--
What a pile of pain it takes!

Bruises...  bandaids...  sores and salve--
How many ouchies must you have?

Not a single child escapes
Cuts and splinters...  scratches...  scrapes.

Stitches?  Crutches?  How I joy
That angels guard our little boy!
Copyright 1989 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

A shining nose to catch your scent,
Two lovely eyes-- alert, intent,
Two dainty ears for sorting sounds
And four long legs for leaps and bounds--
    What happier thing could you happen upon
    Than this-- a silky whitetail fawn?

Copyright 1987 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

See the little bee so busy!
Doesn't she get ever dizzy?
    Flying up, and flying down,
    Buzzing busily around--
God has given her the power
Thus to search the tiny flower;
    Pollen there she finds, to eat,
    And nectar for her honey sweet;
The Lord has made her, this I see--
Or she coud never be a bee.

Copyright 1984 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

The sun is so huge that the earth would fit
Inside a very small part of it.
Then how can it seem so small?  I say,
Because it's so very far away!

Copyright 1992 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved.

If you would be your best and most
To these three rules be true:
     Boast no more than the butterflies boast,
     Pout no more than the bluebirds pout,
     Shirk no more than the honeybees shirk
In the work God gives to you.

Copyright 2003 by Stanley K. Brubaker;
all rights reserved. Poem on p. 45 in 
my "New Harp No. 1" songbook 
(to order, go to Products section)

Eggs... and Polliwogs... and Frogs RealMedia file (1.5MB)

Eggs... and Polliwogs... and Frogs .mp3 file (2.2MB)

Fingernail Clippers .RealMedia file (987KB)

Fingernail Clippers .mp3 file (1.2MB)

Miss DaisyFawn

Photo Copyright 2002 Stanley K. Brubaker